Saturday, February 18, 2012

Today's summary

So, I have the cruds that are going around. My GP, Dr. H, said yesterday that my lungs still sound gunky (I love his technical terms for things!) like they did at the end of January. He gave me a different antibiotic this time, in hopes that it will help clear it up AND prevent me from getting any further infections from having congestion in my lungs for more than 3 weeks. Say like a sinus infection, ear infection or for my congestion from getting worse and progressing into pneumonia.
And here I lay, at my parents house in their guest room with the humidifier on, heating pad on my chest, doing my best to regulate my breathing so it is slow and steady (not gasping and panicky like I feel currently). I just took one of my inhailiors to help with the irritation in my chest. Hopefully the inhaled steroid will help this nasty thing to go away.
One thing I have found out today: it is not pleasant to wheezy cough and hiccup at the same time.
I woke this morning, feeling like that woman in the COPD commercial is at the beginning - laying on the sofa with an elephant sitting on her chest. An apt description on how it currently feels for me to breath. And then about 45-60 minutes later my voice decides to go hide, so I now have a frog in my throat, too. What will next come upon me that we compare to animals?

1 comment:

  1. Rule #2. Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to.
