Saturday, July 23, 2011

A small intro to me and my family.

I am a stay at home mom of three - a daughter of 12 , a son of 9, and a son of 3.  Among the normal mom things I need to do to make the house run someone smoothly, I also am the Learning Coach for the older 2 with the help of Ohio Virtual Academy (it is public virtual school).  Munchkin, our only daughter, is a very talented drawing, loves to read, and is a self starter on her school work on the most part.  Buddy, our middle son, is cRaZy about legos and video games - especially the LEGO video games.  Monkey, the baby of the family, is very precocious and loves getting underfoot of his older siblings.

My husband teh_Bagder is very busy.  He is a full time student at Ohio State working on his bachelors degree and works part time (20-30 hrs a week) as well.  This means we rarely see him during the week and on Saturdays.  The good news is that he will graduate with his bachelors this coming spring, and then hopefully onto a masters.  His goal is to get his PhD, so he can teach.  On top of this, he's applied to become a US Citizen, so he has to study for the exam there as well as work on his school work. (yes, he's in school over the summer)  He's a UK Citizen, currently.  We have been married over 13 years.
When people ask how we met, we say it was in a chat room on CompuServe (ISP that AOL bought in the 90's)  This was WAY before there were sites like

Some of my hobbies include knitting, machine embroidery (embellishment on plain shirts and pants), reading, and listening to unabridged audio books.  That is if I have time to myself and if I am up to doing them.  I suffer from severe migraines, as well as depression, anxiety and panic attacks.  They are so severe that they affect my daily routine quite often.  I have 3 knitting projects going right now: a sweater for me, a scarf for teh_bagder, and a night time wool diaper cover for Monkey.  Some of my other sewing projections are converting a pair of jeans to capris and embroidered hem, a special Mickey Mouse Quilt for Monkey for the Winter holidays. (I say that because we observe both Chanukah, and Christmas. heh)

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